Quality Management System

Improve quality results and repair customer relationships in any environment. Protecting your base revenue and current customers should always be a priority. Improve quality performance both externally and internally to give your organization the ultimate competitive advantage.

Does Your Organization Have Gaps In:

  • Customer claims trending in the wrong direction
  • Escape points
    • Customer complaints
    • Product issues
    • Defects found downstream
  • PPM rate is too high or increasing over time
  • Cost of Poor Quality is not acceptable
  • Equipment breakdowns
  • Cost control
  • High staff turnover

With RL Operational Excellence's Quality Management Service, you will:

  • Significantly reduce Cost of Poor Quality
  • Generate specific and systemic improvement plans
  • Protect your customer and work upstream
  • Identify and address critical to quality processes, machines, and tools
  • Increase Organization Capabilities
  • Re-establish customer trust

Reduce Cost of Poor Quality: A cost that is not popular to plan for and can be eliminated. Using both a top down and bottoms up approach can pinpoint exactly where the cost of poor quality comes from. The result of addressing the cost of poor quality will impact both external and internal metrics. Combining both data analysis and human intelligence accelerates identification of improvement plans.

Drive Systemic Improvements: Quality issues can be “one-offs” or systemic. Often there are signals the organization misses. Single events may be grouped into categories and could reveal trends of issues that generate defects. Approaching specific issues analytically and with a deep understanding of operations allows for a comprehensive analysis to identify true single events versus systemic issues.

Protect the Customer: Firefighting is disruptive and reacting to quality issues puts undue stress on an organizations team. Ensuring quality requirements are met or exceeded to the customer is the priority. Freeing up time for the organization to eliminate the source of defects and escape points without having to attend to damaging customer claims. Working from customer back to supplier and applying lean methodology accelerates customer results reduces risk.

Know Critical to Quality: Customer requirements, engineering drawings, control plans, and real life on the shop floor are all places that critical to quality information should exist, be known and is understood by an employee. Converting critical information into actionable standards and improvements will accelerate the performance of the organization’s quality system.

Increase Organizational Capabilities: Source of quality can be a complicated topics due to the many variables in any process. Experience, partnered alongside an organization’s team to educate and accelerate learning, and relationships that drive quality will drastically improve the capabilities of your team.

Re-Establish Customer Trust: Customers pay for value. Fading product and service quality deters customer base from maintaining a trusted relationship which then jeopardizes foundational or recurring revenue. By understanding key customers, the requirements of the customers that your organization values most enables the team to pinpoint where and how trust was broken in order to get it back on the path to recovery.

The RL Operational Excellence Approach to Quality Management

  • Requirements of the Business and Customer
  • Evaluate key hi-level data
  • Current State process, tools, capabilities
  • Identify macro themes
  • Detailed requirements 
  • Internal KPI’s gaps prioritized
  • Value Stream / Process Mapping
  • Waste identification
  • Quality, Operations, Supply Chain
  • Talent acquisition and development
  • Train, coach, execute and develop teams
  • Weekly executive report out
  • Check implementation results
  • Process improvement adherence
  • Adjust and update comprehensive plan
  • Current performance requirements and timing for execution
  • Track progress of processes impacted
  • KPI tracking both macro and department/line level
  • Income Statement monitoring
  • Skills matrix
  • KPI continuous improvement
  • Process ownership and ownership transfer / embedded